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The content of this site is designed for healthy individuals. In no way is this site to replace medical advice. Always check with your physician before starting an exercise routine. This site is also to give tips and scientific basis and education regarding how you can get desired results. These are general recommendations based upon up to date research and industry trends. For more detailed explanations or issues, feel free to contact me at
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Destress in Less!!

Wow, how time flies!  I cannot believe it has been since last May since I have written on this blog!  Facebook makes it so easy to share brief thoughts and article links, I've gotten a little spoiled in this regard.  SO, my apologies and let's get back on track with a topic we all can use: stress management!

I titled this blurb "Destress in Less" because if stress management techniques take too much time, who is going to do them?  Your stress management regimen should not stress you out for the amount of time it takes.  That defeats the purpose, yes?!  So let's talk about a week's worth of simple things you can do each day to mellow out and recenter, ready to face the world once again.

Monday:  Start a "Gratitude Journal".  This can be made out of a fancy notebook or a stack of post it notes, it doesn't matter.  Each night, think of 1-3 things you are thankful for.  It can be your spouse, children, employment, friends, etc.  Be creative, but reflection is key.

Tuesday:  Make a realistic "TO DO" list for the day and post on your dashboard, computer, or other very visible place.  Make a point of crossing out items as they are completed.  At the end of the day, reflect on everything you accomplished!  This can be one of the items for your Gratitude Journal!

Wednesday:  Take 15 minutes and relax.  You can do this in one fell swoop or break it into three 5 minute mini breaks.  It can be something as simple as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, or carving out time for a bubble bath.  Don't forget to jot a note in your journal!

Thursday:  Give yourself a bedtime.  Sleep is one of the biggest keys for stress management, weight control and a sense of well-being.  On this day, do whatever you can do give yourself 8 full restful hours of sleep.  This starts with pre-bedtime rituals.  Stop eating at least 2 hours before your scheduled bed time.  Turn off the television, computer, and electronic devices.  Get your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet.  Even if you do not feel tired at your designated bedtime, lay down and relax.  After writing in your journal, of course :)

Friday:  Date night!  Set aside some time to spend with a dear friend, partner, or spouse.  Watch a movie, make a nice dinner, go out dancing, etc.  Ban talk about responsibility, kids, work, or anything that may cause stress.  Write about your night out in your journal.

Saturday:  Spend some time with a hobby or activity you enjoy.  It can be drawing, painting, playing an instrument, gardening, riding your bike, or anything else that floats your boat.  Relax and make the most of the time you set aside.  Don't forget to record your activity in your journal!

Sunday:  Do something good for your community.  It can be taking unwanted items to Goodwill, working on collecting recyclables, or formally volunteering for an organization.  Record your experiences in your journal.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a well balanced healthful diet
  • Nurture your relationships
  • Meditate/Reflect

Well, I hope these tips are helpful!  It's just a start, but hopefully these tips will accumulate into healthy habits for a long term less stressful life.  Let me know what you think, I can't wait to hear your success stories!

Until next time... :D

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