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The content of this site is designed for healthy individuals. In no way is this site to replace medical advice. Always check with your physician before starting an exercise routine. This site is also to give tips and scientific basis and education regarding how you can get desired results. These are general recommendations based upon up to date research and industry trends. For more detailed explanations or issues, feel free to contact me at
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Home Stretch!

Well all, I'm in the home stretch!  Down 14.5 pounds as of this morning.  Back into my old jeans (they're not my "skinny" ones yet :)), and feeling great.  I have more energy than I have in a long time and I feel like I'm reconnecting with my body and it's rewarding me for listening in!  I want to talk a bit about choosing diet plans, cleanses, purification programs and systems, etc. but that's for a later date.  Right now, I'm just going to talk about the one I did choose and why it's working for me.

I am an eater.  I LOVE TO EAT!  I love cooking.  When my Bon Appetit comes in the mail, I sit down and study it nearly as much as I do my Bible.  So to cut out food completely, starve myself and go into a basic catatonic state was totally out of the question for me.  I'm sorry, I don't think the body likes that no matter what your goal.  SO, I found this program that is set up as follows: 21 days total.  The first 10 days is nothing but fruit, twice as many vegetables, 1/2 cup of brown rice and one cup of lentils per day.  On day 11 you can add lean chicken or fish.  I thought it would be horrible, rigorous and I would always be starving and dying to chow on some chocolate cake.  But much to my surprise, it was just fine!  The company that puts it together also sells some cleansing tablets and some specially formulated protein powder to help support the body through it, but just think about it.  If you eat like this, you're going to drop some serious pounds.  And I have!  If you would like more details regarding the plan, please email me or send me a private message on Facebook. 

Let me know your thoughts!  Have you ever done a cleanse?  How did you feel?  Did the results last?  Until next time... :D

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