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The content of this site is designed for healthy individuals. In no way is this site to replace medical advice. Always check with your physician before starting an exercise routine. This site is also to give tips and scientific basis and education regarding how you can get desired results. These are general recommendations based upon up to date research and industry trends. For more detailed explanations or issues, feel free to contact me at
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Odds and Ends

Hi all:

Sorry for the delay in posts, it's been a crazy week.  One of my uncles passed away and it's one of three weeks in the year that is exceptionally busy at my job.  So, I'm back in action now, and just want to mention a few of my big pet peeves that are related to the health and well being of our families.  Wellness is not just about fitness, medical numbers or vitamins.  It's a total way of life.  Here it goes...

#1:  Today, as my husband and I were leaving the parking lot where were had eaten lunch, I see a woman driving through the parking lot with a young boy, maybe 3, sitting on her lap.  That's right, her lap.  Now, I understand it's a parking lot and the chance of some catastrophic high speed crash and very unlikely.  However, do people not understand the impact an airbag can have on your face, let alone that of an unsecured child sitting even closer?  Or what if someone backed into her and the kid had hit the windshield?  Airbags can deploy at speeds of up to 100mph, maybe more and deploy in vehicles traveling at speeds as low as 10mph.  Do you think that kid would have not had a broken nose, probably worse?  Anyway, we pulled up next to her and tried to talk to her.  I hope we got through to her.  She seemed completely offended that we were concerned.  "We're just driving down the street!"  Um, yeah, I think that's the point...  Normally, I'm not one to butt into people's business.  But if something had happened to that little precious boy, and I had done nothing, how could I live with myself?  Even if it happens again, at least I feel like I did something about it.  I've seen parents put a child's carrier into the backseat of their car without restraining it in any way.  And this.  Why take chances with the safety of your kids?  If you want to be well, don't.  I don't think these people are bad parents necessarily.  I think they think no harm will come to them.  Which we don't always have control over.  So please, please take all necessary precautions to keep your babies safe.

#2:  For those of you who do not live in California, we have a wonderful new law that requires restaurants to make available nutritional facts for all of their menu items.  (Which you should look at btw, the listings may surprise you!)  So first off, has their been any education about: a) how to read and understand that information or b) how to interpret that into a selection?  (This is an upcoming lesson :))  I have not seen any, but if I'm missing it, please CA residents, by all means correct me!  Ok, so anyway, on to my soapbox:  every time, and I'm not exaggerating, we go out to eat and I pick up that nutritional guide, the wait staff says "oh, you do NOT want to look at that" or "don't pick something because of what that says".  Did they all go to some anti-wellness school of waiting that teaches them that schpeel?  I'm sorry, but what difference does it make to my waiter/ess if I choose something healthy?  Are they concerned that I won't order dessert and they'll get less tip?  Are we again sacrificing the health of our community for $$?

#3:  Ok, this one is entitled "be nice to your spouse".  I try not to do this, but I'm not going to point fingers.  So, I'm going to say "I" :)  We go to a restaurant and I'm watching my weight.  So I order the healthiest thing I can find on the menu.  But there's that one thing I really want to try that is not so good.  Oh well, I'll try to ignore it. BUT I CAN'T!  Ok, I'll order it too and share it with my spouse.  Only, my spouse didn't order something quite so healthy.  And, while I really like the not-so-healthy thing I ordered, I filled up on my healthy item.  Maybe a couple more bites.  But my wo/man will finish it.  So, I leave the restaurant no worse for the wear, but my poor spouse has now ingested way more calories than s/he normally would have because I wanted to taste something else.  Nice?  Nope, I don't think so :)

So, that's the end of my soapbox for today.  I look forward to your comments and questions!  Thanks again for following!  Tell your friends and family if you are enjoying reading...

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