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Just a few notes about this site...

The content of this site is designed for healthy individuals. In no way is this site to replace medical advice. Always check with your physician before starting an exercise routine. This site is also to give tips and scientific basis and education regarding how you can get desired results. These are general recommendations based upon up to date research and industry trends. For more detailed explanations or issues, feel free to contact me at
If you post a question, look for the answer in the "comment" section of the post. Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Support Group :)

Ok, all!  I've decided to crack down on my eating.  I found this 21 day program that I think it actually reasonable and it's designed as a purification for the body.  I get unlimited fruits and veggies, protein powder twice a day (I'm thinking fruit smoothies!!) and a limited amount of brown rice and lentils.  This goes 10 days, then I can add lean protein like chicken or fish.  Reasonable, right?!  I can do it, right?!  Results forthcoming.  :)

I may be on here journaling my emotions over the course of the program, so send positive thoughts my way!!